Person Role Emojis
There are 82 Person Role emojis, excluding variations.
All Categories➜People & Body➜Person Role
Health worker
👨⚕️Man health worker
👩⚕️Woman health worker
👨🎓Man student
👩🎓Woman student
👨🏫Man teacher
👩🏫Woman teacher
👨⚖️Man judge
👩⚖️Woman judge
👨🌾Man farmer
👩🌾Woman farmer
👨🍳Man cook
👩🍳Woman cook
👨🔧Man mechanic
👩🔧Woman mechanic
🧑🏭Factory worker
👨🏭Man factory worker
👩🏭Woman factory worker
🧑💼Office worker
👨💼Man office worker
👩💼Woman office worker
👨🔬Man scientist
👩🔬Woman scientist
👨💻Man technologist
👩💻Woman technologist
👨🎤Man singer
👩🎤Woman singer
👨🎨Man artist
👩🎨Woman artist
👨✈️Man pilot
👩✈️Woman pilot
👨🚀Man astronaut
👩🚀Woman astronaut
👨🚒Man firefighter
👩🚒Woman firefighter
👮️Police officer
👮♂️Man police officer
👮♀️Woman police officer
🕵️♂️Man detective
🕵️♀️Woman detective
💂♂️Man guard
💂♀️Woman guard
👷️Construction worker
👷♂️Man construction worker
👷♀️Woman construction worker
🫅️Person with crown
👳️Person wearing turban
👳♂️Man wearing turban
👳♀️Woman wearing turban
👲️Person with skullcap
🧕️Woman with headscarf
🤵️Person in tuxedo
🤵♂️Man in tuxedo
🤵♀️Woman in tuxedo
👰️Person with veil
👰♂️Man with veil
👰♀️Woman with veil
🤰️Pregnant woman
🫃️Pregnant man
🫄️Pregnant person
👩🍼Woman feeding baby
👨🍼Man feeding baby
🧑🍼Person feeding baby