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AllSmileys & EmotionFace Hand

🫢️ Face with open eyes and hand over mouth emoji


Emoji #32





A face with a hand covering its mouth expressing shock, embarrassment, disgust or surprise.

Visually similar to 🤭️ Face with hand over mouth, which includes rosy cheeks and smiling eyes or 🥱 Yawning face, which includes a wide mouth and closed eyes.

Could also be called shock, disbelief, disgust or gasp emoji.

Other meanings

I can't believe he said that! 🫢️

Wow that is really gross 🫢️🤢

Visual description

A round, yellow face with open eyes and a right hand covering the mouth. Most emoji fonts depict a yellow hand, except for Facebook, which depicts a white hand featuring a blue cuff.

⚠️ Emoji appearance varies by platform.

